Deshalb werden Computer nie wirklich denken …
Why a computer will never be truly conscious What makes a brain tick is very different from how computers operate. Yurchanka Siarhei/Shutterstock.com Subhash Kak, Oklahoma State University Many advanced artificial intelligence projects say they are working toward building a conscious machine, based on the idea that brain functions merely encode and process multisensory information. The […]

Unsere Gedankenfreiheit ist bedroht – so kannst Du Dein Denken retten.
Freedom of thought is under attack – here’s how to save your mind By rudall30/Shutterstock Simon McCarthy-Jones, Trinity College Dublin Freedom of thought stands at a critical crossroads. Technological and psychological advances could be used to promote free thought. They could shield our inner worlds, reduce our mental biases, and create new spaces for thought. […]